The experience available as independent Fire Consultants will ensure legal, efficient, effective and economically designed fire safe buildings. It is our aim to provide an efficient service to all clients by producing results in the shortest time, as time is of the essence and any delay in the building process can cost thousands of Rands in down time.
We provide professional advice, propose cost effective solutions and still meet the requirements of the National Building Regulations and carry the approval of the Local Fire Authority. Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact our offices.
We always assure you of our personal service and attention.

Rational Fire Designs and Plan Approvals
- Assessment of plans to determine fire protection measures in terms of the National Building Regulations SANS 10400- 2020;
- Compiling of proposed alternative methods of compliance with SANS 10400-2020;
- Design parameters for the escape route widths and travel distances to the exits of the buildings;
- Design parameters for the smoke ventilation system;
- Design parameters for the smoke detection system;
- Design parameters for the sprinkler system;
- Water reticulation design for sprinklers, fire hydrants and fire hose reels installation;
- Stipulation and positioning of firefighting equipment;
- Stipulation and positioning of signage for firefighting equipment and escape routes;
- Indicate the positions and rating of fire walls;
- Preparation of Fire Protection Plans indicating all fire protection measures required as well as fire protection notes for submission to Local Authority;
- Liaison with the Fire Department and approval of Fire Protection plans and Rational Fire Design Report

Fire Compliancy Assessments
Accessibility of escape routes
Compliancy of fire hydrants, fire hose reels and fire extinguishers
Compliancy of the water supply and storage for firefighting purposes
Compliancy and positioning of signage for escape routes and firefighting equipment
Compliancy and the provision of emergency lighting
Compliancy of access for firefighting vehicles and personnel
Compliancy of Smoke Ventilation systems
Compliancy of Smoke Detection systems

Budgets & Tender Processes
Preparing fire protection budgets for the below mentioned items.
Specifications for the following:
Water Tanks for Sprinklers, Fire Hydrants and Fire Hose Reels
Water Pumps for Sprinklers, Fire Hydrants and Fire Hose Reels
Provision of Smoke Detection System
Provision of Smoke Ventilation System
Firefighting Equipment (Fire Hydrants, Fire Hose Reels & Fire Extinguishers)
Signage for Firefighting Equipment and Escape Routes
Preparing RFQ’s for the above items and obtaining tenders/quotations from three different companies for such items;
Evaluating tenders/quotations received from possible suppliers
Preparing letters of recommendation for the appointment of subcontractors for the supply and installation of the Fire Protection items

Inspect and monitor the installation of all fixed firefighting measures and firefighting equipment by contractors; and
Obtaining certifications from contractors to submit and compile an application document to the Fire Department for the Fire Clearance certificate.

Draughting of Fire Protection Plans
Site plans
Floor plans
Evacuation Plans
Contact Us
Plot 58 Randridge, Randfontein, 1759
PO Box 3188, Randgate, 1763
010 880 0078 / 083 231 7485